Thursday, January 31, 2008


Life is interesting. I wrote not long ago that change is in the air -- I can feel it, I can almost touch it. I don't know what it will be, but it is coming.

Maybe it's just a part of the preparation, but I feel lately like there are some ghosts I have to deal with. To exorcise. I was speaking with a pastor from Nairobi, Kenya, who was just visiting Baltimore for a few days last week. He said he felt like a lot of the sudden violence they're experiencing along ethnic lines was something that had to be released, like there was too much pressure and the top had to come off, and he predicted that people would be able to move on relatively quickly. Perhaps it's a silly connection for me to make, but the word "exorcism" is what comes to mind in both cases.

I've read a few books on healing and spiritual warfare but I can't say I understand much about it or even deeply believe, although I know I should. In countries all around the world, people experience the spiritual realm in a very physical way, they witness healings regularly, and yet I am confined to my western rational mind that reduces everything to neurotransmitters. I want to see the truth, I want to know the truth. I want to be set free from the demons that haunt me. I want to fight, to stand up and fight.

I'm reminded of the Caedmon's Call song, The Lord is a Warrior. The words are comforting to me. He is mighty in battle, He is mighty to save. And a battle it is.


OTRgirl said...

"Make it so" (aka "Amen!")

May this be a year of freedom and new intimacy for you. I've seen the Lord turn a switch in me this year. Granted, it's come from years of healing retreats, years of other's praying for me, but I love being with Him. It's just not on a check-list anymore. I know He wants the same (or better) for you.

Anonymous said...

Keep speaking the words of truth. The truth is that the Lord is a warrior, and will fight our battles if we allow him to. Because this is a spiritual battle. It's not against flesh and blood.

I think in the West we get so comfortable that we forget that there is a spiritual battle going on around us. I think that the Church in America has been weakened, because we are not confronted with the hardships and the trials that some of the Third World countries face.
That's just what I think.

Keep on writing those blogs. There's wisdom, and truth in what you're writing.