Tuesday, October 9, 2007

T-8 (or is it T-9?)

Time is flying and THE EVENT is rapidly approaching. I swing from moments of panic to utter indifference to giddy excitement to fatalistic despair. And that's just today. Really, though, the preparations are coming along. The major prayer request at this point would be for the organization overall to come to some sort of understanding and agreement about what is good and allowable right now, what is worth exploring for the future, and what is definitely of value and to be pursued moving forward. Clear as mud? How about these:

  • Pray for me to be patient and filled with grace for my staff. I want them to deliver everything perfectly and yesterday. They think they should be able to go on with the rest of their lives. I say their lives will be waiting for them Oct. 21.
  • Pray for Richard to be patient and loving, to not resent how busy I am, to not take it personally that I am away from home so much these next couple of weeks. Pray that the time we have together would be sweet and rich and meaningful.
  • Pray for the speakers, musicians, workshop leaders, and all the other staff and guests who have various responsibilities at the event. Pray for them to be carried by God's spirit, to move gracefully through the event space, to be radiant with joy and assurance, to love one another.

Thank you, friends. I really do value your prayers. I desperately need them. We all do.


OTRgirl said...

Ah. Sounds like the world of event planning with a Christian twist! I'm starting to get to know that world. In the non-Christian world, you don't have to be as nice about it, it's client focused (vs. ideally God oriented), and it's driven by money. The question of realistic vs idealistic is the same though. And getting through everyone's egos to the best, most logical solution is probably hard in both worlds.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that this event will be a success! No matter what little snafus occur, many people will be touched by what goes on during this conference, and they in turn will be able to better serve God and serve others.

My prayers are with you - as always!
