Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sunny California

I arrived in San Diego last night. I'm spending the weekend at my sister's. She had a baby two months ago, so now not only do I get to enjoy her golden retriever, but I get to hold a baby whenever I want! What could be better?? We've had a marvelous day: I woke up, held the baby, ran 3 miles, talked to Richard, went for a walk with sis, baby and dog, went to Starbucks, ate breakfast, did some work, watched TV, took a catnap, did a little more work, talked to my parents on the phone, and held the baby some more. And it's only 3pm! Truly, I feel blessed.

I wonder if I'll ever read this post and consider myself pathetic.

It's funny how just watching a baby smile and yawn and stretch is like witnessing a miracle. (Picture of me with baby. Photo credit: my dad.)


Now it's 8:30pm and we've just watched a movie called "The Holiday." I really hate romantic comedies. They almost always make me angry, or anxious, or depressed, or all of those things combined. I feel dirty somehow. Maybe it's the three slices of pizza I ate, or the fact that my hands smell like dog. Something about sitting around all afternoon -- it starts out feeling like a lovely idea, relaxing, indulgent, and it ends up with me in a bad mood wanting to go to sleep early.

The good news is, I still have issues.

I've not posted in a while. The past couple of weeks have been interesting. Work is extremely busy and I feel distracted quite a bit. There is change in the wind -- the organization is shifting and I'm not exactly sure where I'll land but it seems like it's a good thing that things are moving. I hope and pray that when things are settled, I will be more productive, more focused, more capable of leading and making decisions. I pray I have not become complacent amidst uncertainty. I pray for a healthier work environment. God, I need you now. Always, but I know it now. Please be near.

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