Saturday, June 16, 2007

Saturday Review

I've gotten pretty lazy with blogging. Seems like all I have (make?) time for are short and not very thoughtful entries, and I feel like what's the point? But perhaps the point is just to make regular contact with the four people who read this thing, to let them know I'm still alive and still exerting a significant level of brain and emotional energy on insignificant things.

Today, Saturday, was actually a fairly good day. After a few weekends of winding up depressed because my unreasonably high expectations for "getting a lot done" were dashed as I sat around and did virtually nothing due to my inability to do everything, this morning R and I knew we needed a better plan. So we started the day by going to one of our favorite cafes, sitting outside drinking coffee and reading the paper. The cafe is in a yuppy-ish part of the city, just a block away from the harbor, which means it provides ample opportunities for dog-watching and making fun of perky well-made-up women. Sure, I feel a little guilty about this tendency of mine to automatically dislike women who wear make-up early on a Saturday and who smile excessively, but I don't feel guilty enough to repent yet.

R and I went to the grocery store on our way home and then decided to go for a jog. Today was an absolutely beautiful day -- not too hot, plenty of sun but not a perfectly clear sky, a nice breeze. Thank God we were able to be outdoors this morning. I spent much of the afternoon/early evening working on a proposal to be presented to a church partner on Monday in Michigan. It's a big proposal and I was relying heavily on a friend and co-worker who is part of the economic development team. He is currently in Rwanda so our communication was limited to email and skype chats, which would be less irritating if my computer's keyboard were not missing the "i" and "j" keys. I lost the "j" key in an unfortunate incident with a fork, and the more essential "i" was sacrificed when I tried to save the "j".

We ate a frozen pizza for dinner (we heated it up first) and watched a couple episodes of The Office, which I've grown to love. At the grocery store, R and I bought ant traps (like houses of poison) so we put those out and after dinner I observed a long and impatient line of ants bump into but ultimately avoid the traps. I didn't think ants were intelligent creatures, but they do seem to have outsmarted us for now. So kitty will have to tolerate a diet of mixed dry cat food plus small presumably harmless insects until we devise Plan B.

So that is the story of my day. Not a terribly exciting Saturday, I know. And tomorrow R will drive to Canada to renew his visa and I will fly to Michigan for a couple of days of meetings. Life in the fast lane, that's what we live.

1 comment:

OTRgirl said...

I'm glad to hear how you're doing, even if it feels mundane to you. It's like a window into your world and I enjoy having that.