Monday, December 24, 2007

Five Degrees

That's the temperature outside. Five degrees. Farenheit. Welcome to Winnipeg.

I am a bad blogger, I know. It's been ages since my last post. I realize that my posting style, like my style of communicating generally, is to only post things that I've thought through somewhat. Or to post about things that I don't ever expect to figure out. I don't really enjoy writing about things that I am wavering about, going back and forth on, changing my mind about every other day but ultimately feel like I eventually have to know the answer. Or eventually I at least have to choose something. And right now, with my life, as I ponder the future, I seem to be stuck in the position: I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. And yes, of course I know there's probably not one right answer, not one path to take, no one decision that will make my life either a Success or a Dismal Failure. But my black-and-white mind categorizes things in this way. So my silence online is matched by the opposite in my head -- endless chatter, noise, thinking, playing out different scenarios. Something is coming, a change is coming, but What Exactly?

Maybe the cold air will clear my head of the noise...

1 comment:

OTRgirl said...

I also have a hard time blogging in the middle of an emotion. (thus the trivia that is often on my blog!)

Five degrees? Ugh!!